Are you getting closer to your rich life?

Or are you drifting to what is popular?

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Reading time: 2 minutes

Are you getting closer to your rich life?

It is easy to think your taking action in the right direction yet the result turns out to be different from what you expected. You got knocked off course, or pursued what was popular at the time.

But lets take a step back. Let's define what a rich life really is, because it has very little to do with money.

A rich life is about the things that bring you joy, adding richness to your everyday life. You can be socially rich, rich in time, experiences, learning, and this list could go on. For more on building your rich life I wrote a blog article on this 2 years ago.

What things should you be mindful of on getting closer to your rich life?

Creator drift

Are you on track with where yo want to be right now? Have you stopped to think about this? I see a lot of people in the creator space drifting from what is really important to them in order to build a bigger audience. Audience building is great, and a lot of fun, but it has little benefits if you are not business building alongside it.

Maybe you aren't sure of what your rich life is and so can't decide if you are drifting. Set the clear direction, and break down your goals to help you get there.

Avoid comparison

Stick to your lane. Your rich life is exactly that - yours. What you see as your rich life will be different to someone else's. Comparing where you are at to others is largely unhelpful because you are at a different stage and most likely playing a different game.

If you are on level 1 comparing yourself to someone on level 50 sets unrealistic expectations for yourself. Maybe you get discouraged and stop pursuing your rich life, maybe you change course to follow what is popular in pursuit of dopamine. Being able to pivot is important, but that pivot should not be from a place of comparison, but from a place of realignment.


Share the goals with people that are going to help you achieve your rich life, collaborate with people, find an accountability partner. If you have someone you check in with to check the progress on your goals you have to take action to ensure there is progress made at every checkpoint. 

For me, I have done this through collaboration. Building a community on Twitter has kept me accountable to show up every day. Collaborating with Derek Moore on our book Effortless Public Speaking helped me to launch my first product. When I am working with someone else I know I will let them down if I don't reach milestones. That is the piece that works for me in achieving my goals.

Actionable takeaways

  • Define your rich life. Design it based on what is important to you, not what you think will look good to others.

  • Keep realigning back to your rich life to avoid creator drift.

  • Stay away from comparison. Keep focused on your lane.

  • Find people to keep you accountable - it will help you keep showing up when you find you don't want to take action on your most important goals.

That's all for today!

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Liam Sandford

Liam Sandford

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